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n recent years, with the rapid development of China's urbanization, growing demand for composite covers, whether it is urban planning, or road construction, require extensive use of high-strength, high-performance composite covers a good product, so resin composite composite manhole covers and other composite materials gradually replaced the traditional cast iron manhole covers and cement composite covers composite, composite covers mainstream products.

The key, then, as a professional manufacturer of composite covers, how to select composite covers mold it? Choice is to look at the composite covers mold mold manufacturing material, specifically, the size and shape stability, yield larger product, you should use a high manufacture of material properties. As for changing the shape of a long production cycle, requiring high precision products, because of its mold processing fee is much higher than the cost of the mold, so it should use high-strength materials. For simple shape to withstand stress, difficulty composite covers the manufacture of small products, should be used to change shape of the mold, this mold typically use cast iron, steel or non-metallic materials.